David Drew

David Drew

Articles, Essays, Reviews


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Checklist, in reverse order of publication/completion

l = over 5,000 words (ca. 10 pages); ll = over 10,000; lll = over 20,000.

A classified bibliography is still in the planning stages. This retrospective checklist currently stops at 1987, but will eventually reach as far as the mid-1950s. Recent and new publications will be added as appropriate.

Omitted from this checklist are notes and essays published only as liner-notes. Details of these are given in Recordings.

2004 Review of new production of Simplicius Simplicissimus, Opera Vol. 55 No. 10 (October), pp.1228-1232
2004 May: 'Paths to the Just Society: Karl Amadeus Hartmann and the Lyric Stage', Opera 531-538 l
2004 23 March: Vienna, Musikverein: 'Eminenzen und Graue Eminenzen. Zur Rolle der Emigranten in Verlagswesen und Konzertleben'. A paper delivered at the Egon Wellesz-Hans Gal Symposium.
2004 February: "Royal Palace and its Critics" in Words on Music. Essays in Honor of Andrew Porter on the occasion of his 75th Birthday, ed. David Rosen and Claire Brook, Pendragon Press, Hillside, New York ll
2004 January: 'After 1933: Blacher, Music Politics, and the Postwar Management of Historical Evidence', Boris Blacher, ed. Thomas Eickhoff & Heribert Henrich, Wolke Verlag, Hoffheim lll
2003 September: 'Canonic Studies and Time Pieces on the Motif FB-AG' in Sing, Ariel. Essays and Thoughts for Alexander Goehr's Seventieth Birthday, ed. Alison Latham, Ashgate lll
2002 December: "Roberto Gerhard. Aspekte einer Physiognomie", Musik-Konzepte (Heft 117-118), 'Arnold Schönbergs "Berliner Schule"' Herausgegeben von Heinz-Klaus Metzger und Rainer Riehn (edition text + kritik, München). [abbreviated version, by agreement with the editors] ll
2002 3 October: "Deep, Deeper, Deepest" - a letter to the London Review of Books in reply to a similarly titled letter concerning Robin Holloway's review of a recent collection of essays by Tovey.
2002 July: "Killmayer Fragments, A Birthday Offering", Tempo 221
2002 April: "Norbert von Hannenheim and Schoenberg's Masterclass", Tempo 220
2001 Manuscript review of Jennifer Doctor's book The BBC and Ultra-modern Music, 1922-1936 - Shaping a Nation's Tastes
2001 2 August: "KCPM", manuscript for Karl Miller
2001 July: "The Savage Parade - from Satie to Britten and Beyond", Tempo 217 ll
2001 Spring: review for the Kurt Weill Newsletter of Daniel Albright's book Untwisting the Serpent: Modernism in Music, Literature, and Other Arts
2000 7 July: "The flight from Behemoth", review for Times Literary Supplement of Brinkmann and Wolff (eds.) Driven into Paradise - the musical migration from Nazi Germany to the United States l
2000 6 July: Sir William Glock (1908-2000): "A Recollection" spoken at the funeral service at St Agatha's Church, Brightwell-cum-Sotwell
2000 June: "Die Nachwelt: Kurt Weill 1950-1975": a paper delivered at a symposium in Dessau and a subsequent symposium in Vienna.
2000 "Reinhardt's Choice: Some Alternatives to Weill?", in Kurt Weill- Auf dem Weg zum "Weg der Verheissung", eds. Helmut Loos/Guy Stern, Rombach Verlag. ll
1999 29 June: 'Silhouettes of The Unknown Composer', a paper delivered at Trinity College of Music (London) as the second in the annual series of Berthold Goldschmidt Lectures. ll
1999 14 May: "The Nature of the Fire - Affiliation and inspiration in the life and music of Hans Werner Henze", review for the Times Literary Supplement of Henze's autobiography, Bohemian Fifths. l
1999 April: "Der Weg der Verheissung: Weill at the Crossroads", Tempo 208, completion of 1998 essay. ll
1998-99 5 entries in revised The New Grove ll
1998 4 December: "Athwart the Paradise of the Idea" - an essay for the Times Literary Supplement prompted by Peter Greenaway's production at the Staatsoper unter den Linden, Berlin, of Christophe Colomb by Darius Milhaud and Paul Claudel . l
1998 "Jonathan Lloyd: Symphony Number Four", introductory essay for the commercial recording released by NMC.
1998 September: "Der Weg der Verheissung and the Prophecies of Jeremiah", Tempo 206 l
1996 10-12 November 1996/27 January 1997: "Berthold Goldschmidt (1903-96)", obituary Tempo 200
1996 26 January: "Paul Bowles", BBC Music Magazine.
1996 "States of Shock: Darmstadt and the Older Generation", a talk (King's College, London)
1995 December: "Christopher Shaw", Tempo
Definitive version of the obituary first published in The Guardian.
1995 August: Dirk Nabering, "Out of the Shadows", The Musical Times, an article on the conductor Leo Borchard, translated from the German by DD and Gillian Ward, with a postscript by DD.
1995 July: Review of "Music in the Third Reich" by Erik Levi, Tempo 193
1995 June/July: Two articles in successive issues of The Musical Times, titled respectively "I Sing of War", and "Songs of Healing" and derived from the essays and notes published in the 2-CD album Testimonies of War. ll
1995 "Britten and His Fellow Composers: Six Footnotes for a Seventieth Birthday" - a contribution to the symposium On Mahler and Britten: Essays in Honour of Donald Mitchell on His Seventieth Birthday. l
1995 April: "Spike Hughes" - BBC Music Magazine
1995 January: "Carl Orff 1895-1982", BBC Music Magazine. An alternative and longer version exists in manuscript.
1994 September: "Où l'on retrouve les ailes d'Icare: Notes on the rediscovery of the composer Igor Markevitch" - Tempo l
1994 6 October: "Górecki's Millions" London Review of Books.
1993 "Weill and Schoenberg" - a contribution to the symposium Sundry Sorts of Music Books: Essays on The British Library Collections, presented to O.W. Neighbour on his 70th birthday. Reprinted in the Kurt Weill Newsletter of Spring 1994 (Vol.12 No.1), where it is prefaced by "An open letter to O.W. Neighbour" l
1993 March: SPNM - a Greeting to the Society for the Promotion of New Music, published in its 50th Anniversary Programme.
1992 Autumn: A review of the Ruth Berghaus production of Aufstieg und Fall der Stadt Mahagonny (Staatstheater, Stuttgart 22 March 1992), originally published in the continental edition of the London Times, is reprinted in the Kurt Weill Newsletter (Vol 10, No.2 )
1992 January: "The Music of Roberto Gerhard" - Scherzo, Madrid. Revised and translated version of 1973 article. See also a newspaper article for ABC, Madrid.
1991-92 "Four Steps towards a World Premiere" - an introduction to Roberto Gerhard's opera based on Sheridan's The Duenna - is published in two parts in successive issues of Opera (December 1991, January 1992). English and Spanish versions are included in the programme-book published in January 1992 by the Madrid Opera for the production at the Teatro Lírico Nacional La Zarzuela. ll
1990 22 November: Review: "Bernstein and Blitzstein", London Review of Books. In its published form, this review of recent books on both composers is a shored-up fragment of the planned article - the rest was lost through computer mishap on the day it was due to go to press.
1990 June: "Herschkowitz Encountered" - Tempo No.173.
1989 12 October: "War Requiems", London Review of Books - review of concerts given in connection with the 50th anniversary of Hitler's invasion of Poland.
1989 Spring: Letter to the Editor of the Kurt Weill Newsletter, in response to a review of Cry, The Beloved Country.
1988 November: 'Goldschmidt and his Cello Concerto' (article for the US premiere by the American Symphony Orchestra).
1988 Spring: "The Score: An open letter to Sir William Glock on the occasion of his 80th birthday".
1988 Autumn: Letter to Kurt Weill Newsletter, in response to Richard Taruskin's review of A New Orpheus: Essays on Kurt Weill.
1987 June/July: "Eisler and Austrian Music" for 'An Austrian Quodlibet', a double issue of Tempo, jointly edited with Calum MacDonald . (Cerha, Gruber, Krenek, and Schwertsik are the other featured composers). l
  (Checklist to be continued to 1964)
David Drew, Malcolm MacDonald, Donald Mitchell
May 1989: the 50th anniversary of Tempo is celebrated at a party in the Boosey &
Hawkes showroom. The picture shows Malcolm ( Calum ) MacDonald, the then
Editor of Tempo (as he remains 14 years later), flanked by two former editors -
Donald Mitchell to his left. Behind right, B&H's newly appointed Publicist, David
Allenby, above, in the background two panels of the famous Zinkeisen murals - later destroyed in a showroom fire.


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